Hi, welcome to a shorter version of the main Thursday ratings article. This is basically going to act as a quick summary for how all the shows compared in the last week. There's not going to be any major week-to-week ratings analysis, this is just to get a feel for how all the shows are comparing

Just to quickly explain, these are all the Showbuzz reported numbers for the last week, and the numbers are colour-coded to which show they came from. Raw is Red, Dynamite is Green, NXT is Yellow, Wednesday Nights are Purple, and Smackdown is Blue.
As you can pretty clearly see this was a dominant week for Wednesday Nights, winning 6 of the 9 spots, and coming second in a seventh. AEW have started to pull away from NXT quite comfortably and are now challenging Raw for a few of the demos. They managed to win the P18-34 demo this week (obviously excluding the Wednesday night number) and had a pretty close second in F12-34 and M12-34.
NXT have continued to struggle in the younger demos, losing everything except the P50+ where they are still comfortably beating Dynamite.
Anyway that's all for now. Come back on Thursday to see how every show is comparing in much more detail.