Welcome to Part 2 of our Stardom Top 10s for 2022.
In the first instalment of our list of top 10s (available at prowrestlingmusings.com/post/stardom-2022-top-tens-part-1-wins-losses-and-pins) we looked at some of the more basic wins and losses statistics together with details on who was picking up the actual pinfalls and who was being pinned (mostly Waka Tsukiyama for the latter).
Today we'll look at some of the more specific areas of the statistics to see if that casts a different light on the performance of some in 2022. We'll look at who was top of the tree in terms of singles competition, who was featured most prominently in main events in Stardom, and finally who picked up the wins where it really matters; when titles are on the line.
Just a reminder that these stats only cover wrestlers who had 20 or more matches in Stardom in 2022. Plus if you want to look at the raw data for 2022, and the ever-emerging stats for 2023, then please hop on over to https://1drv.ms/x/s!Ap6qdh-YeTPumx-23sngMEE8v4ll to fulfil all your statistical cravings.
Okay, enough of all that. Let's get top tenning!
One-on-One Competition

Whilst the majority of matches in Stardom are multi-wrestler affairs, the proof in the wrestling pudding really comes down to who can turn it on in singles competition. The highlights of the Stardom calendar are the Cinderella Tournament and, most importantly, the 5 Star Grand Prix, which are both singles tournaments. Plus to get to the coveted Red and White Belts, you need to be winning on your own.
With that in mind it isn't surprising to see Syuri with the most singles wins of 2022. She successfully defended her World of Stardom Championship 10 times in the year and also picked up 14 points in the 5 Star GP. The holder of the White Belt, Saya Kamitani, also sits high on the list of singles winners in 2022. Her appearance on this table, off the back of 12 successful title defences in 2022, is particularly interesting considering she didn't appear in ANY of the tables from our wins and losses statistics in Part 1. Tall Saya may not win all the time, but when she's in the ring on her own she clearly knows what she's doing.
AZM is the third big title holder in the list showing that she is now turning superb performanes into superb results, and whilst Mayu Iwatani, Utami Hayashishita and Tam Nakano didn't finish the year with great win percentages, the three legends all largely performed in singles matches.
Perhaps most interesting here is the one name that isn't on this list...Giulia. Of her 11 wins, 8 came in the 5 star GP showing that she was struggling a bit before that tournament kick-started her year.

Syuri again tops the standings when we look at the percentage of singles matches won, winning an impressive 75% of her one-on-one encounters in 2022. Her God's Eye stable-mate Tomoka Inaba joins her at the top of the list, although this is mainly down to having only a handful of singles matches against lower-tier opponents.
Also of note here is Koguma sitting above her tag-team partner Hazuki. Whilst many had Hazuki on their list of potential 5 Star GP winners, it was in fact the bear-obsessed Koguma who faired much better when she stepped between the ropes on her own. It is also interesting to see Thekla in this list, although her stats are slightly skewed by not appearing in the 5 Star GP which saw many wrestlers pick up defeats that were bruising for their bodies and for their statistics.
Ami Sohrei deserves a shout out for being so high up this list in her debut year, proving her high winning percentages aren't just relying on her team-mates, and it's also great to see Mayu Iwatani still going strong in the big matches.
Finally, at number 10, we have Maika, a wrestler who I think will have a big 2023. Her slow start in the 5 Star GP let her down, but more often than not she picks up the W when it's one-on-one, and surely that will translate into a title win in the near future?
Who's Topping the Bill?

This top 10 is for those interested in the business and booking in Stardom more than those focused on results. Here we are looking at who is in the final match on each card, presumably highlighting who Rossy and co think are the main movers and shakers in the world of Stardom.
Obviously Syuri dominates here. Your Red Belt holder should be your main headliner and Syuri carried this off with aplomb in 2022 with 36 Main Event appearances. At number 2 however we have her heir to that Red Belt Giulia. As we saw from the statistics above, Giulia wasn't necessarily making waves with her results in 2022, but it's clear that she was being kept in the public eye throughout the year with a view to taking that top crown from Syuri.
Starlight Kid coming in at number 3 on this particular top 10 makes me very happy as not only is she a superb professional wrestler, but she's also fantastically entertaining in everything she does. It's great to see that work being rewarded with frequent appearances at the top of the card. Similarly Momo Watanabe's association with the villainous Oedo Tai has also seen her given more of a spotlight.
MIRAI was given the baton in a big way in her first year in Stardom with 25 main event appearances, and Koguma and Maika also feature highly ahead of potential big years ahead.
And never count out how much of a draw Mayu Iwatani is within this company. There's little on this planet that is more wholesome than Mayu closing a show, and clearly the Stardom management continue to understand this fact.
Going for Gold

Whilst WWE has tried to ignore this fact over the past two decades, titles are what matter in professional wrestling. Therefore all Stardom wrestlers should want to be top of the above list as it shows you are either winning titles or at least being given the opportunity to do so.
Starlight Kid was given that opportunity the most in 2022. Whether it was for singles glory, Goddess of Stardom opportunities or Artists of Stardom gold, SLK was always there to be found. Oedo Tai associates Saki Kashima and Momo Watanabe were also given frequent attempts to get their hands on, and hold titles during the year.
Syuri, Saya Kamitani and AZM obviously all sit high on this list having had lengthy title reigns, and Koguma and Hazuki also feature prominently having held the Goddesses titles twice during 2022. The surprise name on this list may be Hanan, but she held the Future of Stardom title for the majority of the year, defending it successfully 9 times in 2022.
Natsupoi will also be hoping to have similar numbers in 2022. Hers and Tam Nakano's defeat to Nanae Takahashi and Yuu at the end of the year was brutal and surprising, and I think many hope that they will be back in the mix in terms of title opportunities in 2023.

Of course having lots of title opportunities doesn' mean a huge amount if you don't win those matches. Hence Starlight Kid will be disappointed to not make this list, only winning 7 of her 15 title matches in 2022.
Similarly if you only need one match to win a title then fair play to you, and that is why the terrifying Suzu Suzuki sits atop of this list. Her part in Prominence taking the Artists of Stardom titles in the last event of 2022 was her only title match of the year in the promotion...and good lord did she make it count.
Most of the rest of the names here are to be expected, although Momo Watanabe and Saki Kashima will be wondering who the weak link is in Oedo Tai when they look at these statistics.
But the numbers that AZM put up in title matches in 2022 simply cannot be ignored. 11 matches, 10 wins, 1 draw and no losses. It's an incredible return in a High Speed Title reign that is fast approaching greatness, and you wouldn't bet against her continuing that run in 2023. The only question is whether she is ready to step up to the next level of title?