Hello and welcome to another late edition of AEW In-ring statistics, this time covering night 2 of AEW Grand Slam. This article's in-focus match is CM Punk's first TV match in 7 years as he walked out victorious over Powerhouse Hobbs. You will be able to find the rest of the matches' statistics below as well.
CM Punk vs Powerhouse Hobbs

Notable Stats:
- Classic big man/little man split via Total Offence and Big Offence.
- Hobbs matching Punk for Submission is perhaps a surprising note.
- 4 Strikedowns against Hobbs shows Punk's opponent's willingness to put him over too.

Notable details:
- Punk had three very notable peaks. These were much higher than Hobbs'.
- Hobbs had 7 minutes of advantage compared to Punk's 5.
- Punk had a 3 minute spell where he was shutout by Hobbs.

Notable Details:
- Punk's hot start set up Hobbs to crush that momentum and achieve maximum heat.
- Hobbs' prolonged period of advantage set him up as a monster to be downed in this isolated match.
- Punk's comeback in the 10th minute triggered a duel for control which Punk only won in the 14th minute.

Notable comparisons between Punk vs Hobbs and Punk vs Darby:
- Punk's Strike Rate more than tripled against Hobbs. But total Strikedowns were exactly the same.
- However his Submission Rate quartered.
- Punks's match vs Darby was completely clean, whereas he answered Hobbs' rule-breaks with some of his own.
- Punk's Taunt Rates were exactly the same in both matches, despite their differences.

Christian Cage and Jurassic Express vs Super Kliq

Anna Jay vs Penelope Ford

Chris Jericho and Jake Hager vs Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page

Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston vs Lance Archer and Minoru Suzuki
