Welcome to the second monthly faction Power Rankings for AEW Wrestling. Just a few words about the mindset behind these rankings. First off, these rankings are within storyline. The factors that I keep in mind for assessing the power of a faction
Strength: The star power and competitiveness of the members... Have they scouted valuable new members? Or had defections?
Cohesion: Do they know who the star member is? Does each member have a role? Or do they get in each other's way? Is there infighting?
Direction: Do they have goals and are they moving toward them? Have they captured or held gold?
I do NOT have a formula I use or anything, (surprisingly for me!) The rankings are based on my subjective feel for each faction's relative strengths in those three attributes.
#1 - The Elite
Last Week: #1
Team mates added: Adam Cole
Gold Held: AEW World Championship, AAA Mega Championship, Impact Tag Championships
Gold Lost: AEW Tag Championships

Gaining Adam Cole more than outweighed losing the Tag Championships. Still the Gold Standard.
Kenny Omega - Captain, Star
Adam Cole - Lancer
Matt Jackson - Lieutenant, Tag guy
Nick Jackson - Tag guy
Don Callis - Mentor, mastermind, buffoon
Doc Gallows - Heater, mook
Karl Anderson - Mook
Brandon Cutler - Stooge, mascot, mook
MT Nakazawa - Stooge, mascot, mook
#2 - Death Triangle
Last Week: #3
Gold Gained: AEW Tag Championships
Gold Held: AAA Tag Championships

Gained the tag titles, but still in a feud with one guy.
Penta EZM - Big Brother
Rey Fenix - Little Brother
PAC - Blood Brother
Alex Abrahantes - Buffoon
#3 - Major Dental
Last Week: Not Ranked
Gold Held: AEW World Championship

Normally wouldn't rank a trio, but with a smaller division, three does the job, and all roles are filled. Totally dominated their division!
Dr. Britt Baker, DMD - Captain, Star, Mastermind
Jamie Hayter - Heater
REBEL not Reba - Buffoon
#4 - Allied Forces
Last Week: #3
Leader Added: Bryan Danielson
Gold Held: Impact World Championship

Gaining Danielson was a huge boost for their star power, but a major hit to their cohesion, Cage, Danielson, and Perry are all natural stars and leaders, so this "too many cooks" situation can't last!
Bryan Danielson - Captain, Star
Christian Cage - Lieutenant
Jungle Boy - Rookie
Frankie Kazarian - Loose Cannon
Luchasaurus - Heater
Marko Stunt - Mascot
#5 - The Inner Circle
Last Week: #8
Gold Gained: TNT Championship

Working mostly independently has turned out to be surprisingly successful for the ur-faction
Chris Jericho - Captain
Sammy Guevara - Star
Santana - Tag guy
Ortiz - Tag guy
Jake Hager - Heater
#6 - Dark Order
Last Week: Not Ranked
Leader added: Amanda Huber
Gold Held: None

They came together for one night. Unless Amanda is going to be there every week, I can't see how it can last, but they're a sentimental favorite
Amanda Huber - Leader
Negative One - Mascot
Anna Jay - Lieutenant
Evil Uno - Wannabe-Captain, Mook
Stu Grayson - Mook
Colt Cabana - Mook
John Silver - Mook
Alex Reynolds - Mook
Pres10 Vance - Mook
Alan Angels - Mook
#7 - Team Taz
Last Week: #7
Gold Held: None (No, I'm not counting vanity belts)

Haven't gotten those big wins lately, but Hobbs being tapped for a CM Punk match was huge, regardless of outcome
Ricky Starks - Star
Will Hobbs - Heater
Taz - Mentor
HOOK - Stooge
#8 - Mutual Respect Society
Last Week: #6
Gold Held: None

Amazing star power, but no raison d'etre
Darby Allin - Star
Jon Moxley - Captain
Eddie Kingston - Lancer
Sting - Dad
#9 - Best Friends
Last Week: #5
Gold Held: None

Amazing group, but spinning their wheels right now
Orange Cassidy - Star
Kris Statlander - Heater
Trent? - Tag guy
Chuck Taylor - Tag guy
Wheeler Yuta - Rookie
#10 - The Pinnacle
Last Week: #4
Gold Held: ABSOLUTELY None

Tough month!
Maxwell Jacob Friedman - Captain, Star, mastermind
Shawn Spears - Loose Cannon
Wardlow - Heater
Tully Blanchard - Mentor
Cash Wheeler - Tag guy
Dax Harwood - Tag guy
Dishonorable Mention:
Fell out of Rankings:
#9 Last month-- The Nightmare Factory, COMPLETELY IMPLODED
#10 Last month-- The Wingmen, Still great, but not accomplishing anything
Still Never Ranked: Hardy Family Office, The Factory. Get it together, guys.