It feels like just yesterday we were witness to All In, which delivered both change and excitement. Yet here we are at the halfway point of another season of AEW Dark: Elevation. Five weeks in, and five weeks to go until Full Gear in November. So let us check in and see how things are going for the featured performers of AEW's YouTube series. A couple of notes on this season; firstly it's noticeable how much larger AEW's roster has grown compared to just a few months ago. So many workers are featured that it's harder to see trends. For the purposes of this article we are looking at workers who have been featured at least twice from September 6th through October 4th. Secondly, on the September 27th episode (the Grand Slam edition) there was only one singles match so I included stats from the September 28th edition of Dark (original? classic? prime?) in order to bolster my numbers.

Average Offense

Thunder Rosa is the leader in average offense (successful moves per match) while Kiera Hogan packs the most offense on a per minute basis. Lance Archer would probably have ranked higher had his offense been contained to within the opening and closing bell. He delivered plenty of offense but I only record stats between the bells, because there have to be rules.

Thunder Rosa is again at the top with more total grapples than anyone else (14). Emi Sakura is the only other performer to record double digit grapples (10).

Skye Blue has been a standout performer these past few weeks on Dark and it's great to see her get television exposure on Rampage this week. Her Strikedown rate (percentage of strikes that result in a strikedown) is a full 6% higher than second place Kiera Hogan. Blue also scored the most overall strikes (45) while Hogan had the highest per minute number (4.84).

Skye Blue again is in the number one spot, narrowly beating out Sonny Kiss for reversal rate. Blue also took the top spot with total number of reversals (11) ahead of Thunder Rosa (10). All the more impressive since Blue didn't get any wins. Thunder Rosa got the highest number of reversals per minute with 1.03. Lance Archer score the lowest reversal/minute with .30 which has been a trend with hosses since they don't have to reveres a move when they can beat an opponent with a single power move.